Circle Grid Pattern | For Logos, Profile Creation, Typography & Decorative Arts
Calibration Target Printing

Asymmetric Circle Targets

599 Reviews

The Asymmetric Circle grid pattern requires custom files from clients, which are not included in our pattern generator. If you have a vector format Asymmetric Circle pattern, enter the finished size in inches (up to three decimal places) and click "Get Started" to upload your artwork and view your digital proof. Proofs may not reflect the final print quality. Read More

  • 12mm Polyurethane (Natural Matte)
  • 2mm Polyurethane (Natural Matte)
  • 3mm ACM
  • 3mm Acrylic - Front Surface Printing
  • 3mm Polyurethane (Natural Matte)
  • 6mm ACM
  • 6mm Polyurethane (Natural Matte)
  • 1/2" All Corners $3.00
  • 1/4" All Corners $3.00
  • 3/8" All Corners $3.00
  • Special $56.44
  • Ultra Matte $96.75


Camera calibration With OpenCV - Chessboard or Asymmetrical Circle Pattern

In this short video, OpenCVTutorials walk you through how to use OpenCV with Chessboard or Asymmetrical Circle Patterns.

Asymmetric Circle Targets

Are you looking to pre-calibrate your camera with a calibration target to be as accurate as possible? Our Asymmetic circle targets are printed directly onto a rigid on premium 1/8 inch Dibond, making them the perfect calibration boards to calibrate cameras.

Direct to substrate printing at 1000 dpi with anti-reflective surface "flood white" authentic matte finish allows for easy detection in your computer vision pipeline because of its optical performance and physical robustness.

aluminum composite material

Dibond Features 

Dibond signage has forever been an industry standard for indoor and outdoor business signs. The material is water, weather, warp resistant and rust proof. It's ultra flat and rigid structure makes Dibond the perfect material for calibration targets.

  • Light weight
  • Ultra flat surface
  • Anti-reflective surface (flood white finish) pitch black on pure white
  • Rigid and sturdy
  • Water, weather & rust proof

Technical Specifications

  • Material Thickness: .125"
  • Panel Type: Aluminium Composite Panel
  • Temperature Range: from -50°C to +80°C
  • Fire Classification: CLASS P/0/1
  • Physical Weight: 0.78125 lbs per ft.²  

Helpful Ordering Tips

  1. Order the exact sizes that match your file's artboards; use the keyboard to add decimals if needed. 
  2. Upload your own custom files, vector PDF files are preferred for optimal print results.
  3. Full-scale files are required to avoid the files being scaled up or down to fit the image on the board's order size. Need a PDF for print? Try our Free Online Calibration Pattern Generator free now!

  4. During the proofing process, always double-check and compare the file size to each board order size ( is not responsible for artwork scaling if the incorrect board sizes are ordered and proofs are approved incorrectly).
  5. If you have questions about the artwork uploaded to an order; please call, email, or start a live chat  before sending the art files to print. Production will begin within 10 mins of approval of artwork. Once production begins, we can not remove approved art files from the production line. 

Circle Grid Pattern - For Logos, Profile Creation, Typography, and Decorative Arts

A circle grid pattern is popular since you can use it in logo making, profile creation, typography, decorative arts, and photography.

By picking the most suitable pattern for your work, you not only get well-defined edges, but it is easy to create visual harmony and avoid any elements that may seem distracting to the final piece.

Delve in to find out how you should consider a circle grid pattern and how best to pick a pattern that suits your needs.

What are the possible ways you could use a circle target pattern? We also got that covered.

Benefits of Picking a Good Circle Grid Pattern

There are various reasons why you should find an impressive grid to use on your project. An intent online search is crucial if you want to be content with your results.

Leads to Focus

One of the benefits of using a superb circle grid or any other great grid is the organizational structure it offers.

A circular grid permits you to get polished-looking and clean designs for your YouTube profile pic, logo, or whatever you have in mind.

Moreover, a great design allows you to place and vary the sizes depending on the ratio and what amount of visual appeal you want.

Planned Element Placement

Another benefit of picking a superb circular grid pattern is that it helps you as a designer to plan better when arranging each component of your design. With a great pattern to guide you, you end up with a harmonious piece of art.

Additionally, a fantastic design allows you to be very flexible with your lines and enables you to make the best adjustments for excellent finishes.

If you use a good grid, you might not feel so restricted. On the contrary, a poorly chosen grid pattern may limit your exploration.

Grids allow for a sense of hierarchy to appear in your composition as they guide your element placement. They promote consistency and rhythm in designs and help achieve better element relations based on reasonable proportions.


Grids impose constraints on your layout, which minimizes the endless possible outcomes to a manageable number. When designing with a grid, you decide where to have content and which sections should remain plain.

They make it less challenging for us to add new content to a design such that it is consistent with the overall vision we have for our designs. In aiding the creation of an underlying structure, they guide us on where to position information and elements and focus on other aspects of the design.

There are lots of grids to use, and a well-designed grid will provide adequate room, allowing you to exploit your creativity and be free with your element placement. A good pattern gets you to attain your aims quicker by eradicating options that do not coincide with your design's vision.

What Should I Consider as I Pick a Circle Grid for My Project?

As you search for a good grid for your project, you want to consider a few factors before settling on an option.

Are the Geometry and Grid Relevant to the Design?

Is the grid relevant to your art piece, logo, sign, or what you want to develop? If it is, ensure it forms part of your project's identity.

Use your patterns geometry and grid from the very onset of your design and try to stick to it till you finish. Discipline is a crucial element when using a grid, irrespective of whether it is a formal application like a website logo design or as casual as decorative arts.

Nevertheless, you may find a pattern that almost works for you apart from a minor detail. So you may need to tweak the grid slightly to accommodate your designs. Other considerations include the color, media, or typography that create visually appealing and harmonious finished projects.

What Is Your Experience With a Grid?

Have you ever tried a grid pattern before? If so, how often do you use one?

What is your level of comfort, and how did your previous experiences turn out?

This is crucial when doing projects such as designing an eBook cover or company logos.

If you have little experience, you want to go for an easy-to-use pattern that allows you to achieve your goals.

What Are the Suitable Dimensions for Your Work?

Usually, circle grid patterns come in a standard size and allow you to adjust them depending on your application.

While the standard size is suitable for decorative arts, you want to ensure you edit the horizontal and vertical heights based on your usage purpose.

By selecting the best dimensions, you ensure you don't end up with distorted finished work.

Here is a breakdown of the different dimensions available if you plan to make your brand's sign or anything related to that:

  • Facebook image: 1200 x 1200
  • Facebook cover: 820 x 312
  • Facebook link: 1200 x 627
  • Facebook mobile cover: 640 x 360
  • Facebook story: 1080 x 1920
  • Instagram story: 1080 x 1920
  • Instagram post: 1080 x 1080
  • Twitter post: 1024 x 512
  • Twitter banner: 1500 x 500
  • Pinterest post: 736 x 1128
  • Email header: 600 x 300
  • Presentation: 1024 x 768
  • Wide presentation: 1920 x 1080
  • Ebook cover: 1600 x 2400
  • A4 brochure cover: 2490 x 3510
  • Linkedin post: 1200 x 627
  • Postcard: 1500 x 2100
  • Business card: 1050 x 600
  • Coupon: 1800 x 750
  • Photo print: 1200 x 1800
  • Gift certificate: 2400 x 1125
  • Flyer: 2250 x 3300
  • YouTube profile image: 800 x 800
  • Certificate: 3300 x 2550
  • YouTube channel art: 2560 x 1440

Variations Available

Customization is a critical element to consider when picking a pattern. What is the number of variations available for the pattern?

If you are buying a template, is there an alteration in complexity? Does this come with a different price quote?

For instance, you may want to use polar graph paper for typography. Being able to choose what space precisely suits your handwriting is crucial in getting an excellent finished piece.

Getting something that looks like a check register is an invaluable feature for a partial visually impaired person to write with ease.

Ultimately, an easily editable and great-to-use template is a fantastic asset.

Overlapping Circles Grid

This technique involves the repetition of geometric patterns with a similar radius on a 2D space. Typical designs have circles centered on square or triangular lattices.

Triangular Lattice

Here, six circles intersect at a particular point which forms the midpoint of a central circle. The seven overlapping circles grid has the radii equal to the separation distance.

Many applications and software in decorative arts over the Millennials have used overlapping circles geometrically constructed similarly. The triangular lattice is still prevalent in modern culture. Some use cases in fashion, tattoos, jewelry, decorative products, among others.

For instance, the "Flower of Life" pattern is a common variation used in embroidery and termed as the diamond/ triangle wedding ring to distinguish it from the square pattern.

Besides the infrequent incorporation in fashion, the "Flower of Life" is also applicable in many decorative works. For example, some artists use the "Flower of Life" on their album cover, like Coldplay's "A Head Full of Drums."

Another variation involves drawing circles with the separation distance being similar to the square root of three times the radius. Two copies from the rhombic tiling structure while three offset copies create the original triangular lattice.

Square Lattice

This form involves circles in a horizontal and vertical fashion, with their diagonals intersecting. When rotated, the design goes by centered square lattice as it appears like two square lattices, each centered on the other's gaps.

An example of a square lattice variation is the double wedding ring, as used in quilting and involves combining circles whose radius is twice the separation distance.

Another variation is the five overlapping circles constructed by drawing two circle rows, half-offset.

Select Uses of a Circle Grid Pattern

You can use these patterns in various ways, from improving your brand imagery on online platforms to fashion and decorative arts.

Here are a few select uses:


This method is easy to understand, exciting, and a relaxing way to make beautiful drawings using a structured pattern/ tangles.

With Zentangle, you create works using curves, orbs, dots, and lines. These bits are what form Zentangle arts Elemental strokes. You draw the patterns on a small piece of paper/ tile which you can combine with other bits and make mosaic pieces.

Zentangle art being unplanned and non-representational, permits you to concentrate on getting each stroke right without focusing on your result.

You can rotate your tile as you proceed and draw the way you want as Zentangle has no defined direction to place your strokes.

In Zentangle, you don't have to know how your final piece will appear. All the same, the result is a pleasant surprise provided you know the steps.


A Mandala is a geometric arrangement of symbols used as a spiritual guidance tool in some traditions to represent the universe. The circular designs show that life is a continuous cycle.

Mandalas get drawn sometimes with a square in a circle and a deity on either side and used in yoga and meditation applications.

Mandala creation serves to help your mind relax, be creative and not think about irritating thoughts. Those who put more value on a mandala than aesthetics perceive it as a way to center their bodies and minds.

Are you unsure of the distinguishing features between a mandala and a Zentangle?

Zentangles have a focused and deliberate aim and come with rules concerning repetitive patterns, shapes, styles, and the entire visual composition. Without these rules, you make an intricate doodle or a self-expressive art form.

On the other hand, a Mandala features abstract and complex designs within a circle and contains organic and geometric forms

Mandala Coloring

Depending on your aim of creating a mandala, the way you color it varies. Any colors can work for an artistic expression. But when it comes to mandala creation with meditation in mind, different colors have different significance.

  • Red: energy, passion strength
  • Pink: femininity, love, intuition
  • Orange: self-awareness, creativity, transformation, and intuition
  • Yellow: happiness, laughter, learning, wisdom
  • Green- nature, caring, psychic ability, physical healing
  • Blue: emotional healing, mediation, inner peace
  • Purple: spiritual focus and spiritual things
  • Black: mystery, individuality, deep thinking


A Zendala is a merge of Zentangle and Mandala. Zendalas are easy to create and are relaxing. And just like a Zentangle, you are the one to decide how best to make them. The Zendala creating process is a means to reflect and minimize stress and a sort of meditation.

How Do You Make a Circle Grid in Illustrator?

To draw circular polar grids in Adobe illustrator:

  • Go to the Tools panel and select "Polar Grid."
  • Choose a stroke color from the tool panel's "Colors" section.
  • Select then drag your artboard till you attain your desired size and release the mouse

To make grids with particular settings.

  • Click on your artboard where you want your reference point
  • Enter your grid's width and height
  • Indicate your preferred radial and concentric dividers
  • Click on "Create Compound Path From Ellipses" to get separated compound paths in place of circles
  • Click on "Fill Grid" to add color to your pattern, then press ok

Circle Grid Pattern Best Practices

Whichever pattern you settle for, the primary thing is to ensure is it adds value to what you intend to use it for. Otherwise, you may end up with a pattern that only serves as a guide to a weak design. Your grid needs to enhance your work and not distract you from it.

What's more, you shouldn't add insensible and non-existent geometry into your design. This can happen, for instance, by adding small details around your work that distract rather than blends in with it.

When picking a pattern, check it several times and confirm that it works with what your application entails. Will it enhance your work? If you think it benefits your project based on your judgment, it is time to get it and begin working.

Wrapping Up

Though many fantastic designs exist without grids, using one can help you achieve numerous benefits, as seen. With the efficiency and precision that a circle grid brings to the table, it is one of the vital tools you need to ensure your designs are at their best.

Reviews for Asymmetric Circle Targets

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Frequently asked Questions


What are Asymmetric Circle Targets camera calibration?

Asymmetric Circle Targets camera calibration is a pattern to calibrate a camera. The goal of this calibration is for the camera to be able to take pictures that are accurate and precise, with no distortion or blurriness. This can be done by using an asymmetric circle target.

Why is it important to calibrate a camera?

It is essential to calibrate a camera because it will help with the accuracy of measurements. A camera's lens may not be in perfect focus, which can cause a photo to turn out blurry. Calibrating a camera ensures that the lens is in its best possible position. This way, any photos taken will come out clear and crisp.

How does camera calibration work?

Camera calibration is a process that helps to ensure the cameras are calibrated correctly. Cameras have many different parameters, such as focal length and lens distortion, affecting how they capture an image. A camera's color balance may also be off because of the ambient lighting conditions or because it was not set up correctly in post-production. Camera calibration can solve these problems by adjusting for these variables so that images from all of your cameras will look consistent with one another.

How long does it take to calibrate a camera?

Many factors determine how long it takes to calibrate a camera. The time it takes to calibrate a camera will depend on the type of camera, the size of the calibration target, and whether or not additional equipment is needed.

What are the different calibration patterns used to calibrate a camera?

Calibration patterns are a set of lines and shapes that can be used to calibrate cameras. The first calibration pattern is the checkerboard, alternating black and white squares. The second calibration pattern is the cross, consisting of two intersecting lines, with each line being perpendicular to the other line. There are also circles, diamonds, triangles, and a variety of different shapes that can be used for this purpose.


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