Custom Vinyl Printing & Cutting Services - Vinyl Signs & Decals

Custom Vinyl Sign & Decal Printing Services

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Custom Vinyl Signs and Decals

Are you looking for a scintillating way to advertise your business?

Custom vinyl signs and decals are a perfect solution to your needs.

Imagine seeing a decal at the car's rear window in the front or seeing your company logo in a random car in town? It would give you the assurance that your company name is out there.

Vinyl signs can be an efficient way to promote your brand, and here at FoamCorePrint, our vinyl signs and decals are affordable, unique, and quite attractive. We have the solution on how to get your word in the public so effortlessly and captivatingly.

Keep reading to learn how to install vinyl signs and decals, the difference between the two, and more.

What Is the Difference Between Vinyl Signs and Decals?

Decals are decorative stickers that are made of paper on the front, the decal itself, and paper at the back. They are printed on vinyl material or may be cut so that it is transferred to the surface where it is intended to be pasted. Our decal sticker designs for cars go through an eco-solvent printing process which makes them durable.

There are a dozen ways of customizing our vinyl decals; you can use them indoors in cars, on laptops, on water bottles, or on any smooth surface. You can use them as surface decals by sticking them inside glass-like in glass doors and car windows or floor decals.

Vinyl stickers are wall decals and are also known as wall stickers, vinyl, or tattoos. We cut almost any shape or size that you want- this is only possible through our state-of-the-art vinyl cutting plotters.

You can use our custom vinyl stickers in your business to advertise a product or service. You can also affix them to vehicles to promote your brand.

Another way to use FormCorePrint stickers is decorating a room or a business, for example, in a barbershop.

What Surfaces Do Vinyl Stickers Adhere to?

Vinyl stickers will stick to many smooth surfaces. We have designed our custom decals and stickers to adhere to a wide range of surfaces and, more uniquely, on carpets! The stickers will also adhere to surfaces like:

  • Metals
  • Other smooth vinyl products
  • Wall
  • Floor
  • Smooth parts of a vehicle
  • Smooth painted wood
  • Glossy surfaces
  • Glass
  • Plastics
  • Vinyl stickers will also stick on your laptop or house windows.

How Long Do Vinyl Signs Last Outside?

The durability of a custom vinyl sign depends on several factors. The quality of the vinyl material, type of printing ink, and place of use of the sign will determine how long the vinyl sign will last.

At Foam Core Print, we use high-density vinyl materials and UV printing ink in making our stickers. The process ensures that they last long, even when exposed.

You can rest assured that a custom vinyl sticker that is well-secured, high-quality material, and made of UV ink can last for several years.

Order any of our custom decals or stickers online. We also have removable decal material, static clear window clings, and perforated windows signs.

When you want to apply window decals or custom vinyl lettering, you will need the following tools:

  • Application spray
  • Squeegee
  • Tape Measure
  • Masking tape
  • Pin or Exacto knife (optional)

At Foam Core Print, our decals and vinyl signs have three layers; a masking layer on top, the decal or vinyl sticker itself, and the backing paper or the adhesive backing, which protects the decal or vinyl sign from exposure.

The Installation Procedure

The following steps will help you affix your graphics effectively. Read on.
  1. Clean Your Surface

Clean the surface to remove dirt. Applying your graphics on a seemingly clean but dirty surface will shorten the lifespan of the graphics. Use alcohol, water, or soap to clean. Avoid using cleaning agents that will prevent the adhesive from sticking, for example, ammonia.

  1. Check Dimensions

Ensure that your graphics is proportional to the surface area you will affix them to.

Also, ensure that the three layers of your graphic are cut evenly. If they are not, use scissors to trim the edges until they are even.

  1. Apply Masking Tape to the Graphic

Now cut small strips of the masking tape and attach them to each side of the graphic to hold it in place. They are useful in helping you get your most preferred alignment of the graphic.

  1. Apply Your Graphic

Remove the adhesive backing from the graphics, then place your graphic in your desired position. The masking strips will help you get align it. Once you have it in place, apply another strip of the masking tape -this time a strip stretching across from the top to the bottom of the graphic. The long strip will act as a hinge.

  1. Squeegee the Graphics Into Place

You now need to reinforce your graphic by pressing it using a squeegee. Start from one side moving to the opposite end. Slowly press the graphics in a sweeping motion. Ensure you reach every point so that you rid the graphics of any bubbles or air spaces.

  1. Remove the Masking Layer

Remove the masking layer from the top of the graphics. Gently pull it so that it doesn't lift or dislodge the graphics. The good idea is to pull diagonal-wise.

Your graphics installation is now complete.

What Are the Most Common Uses for Decals and Vinyl Signs?

Our vinyl signs are custom-made. That means they are suitable for either indoor or outdoor use. Let's take a look at the different ways you can make use of them:

Branding Products

Vinyl stickers last longer when you adhere them to your consumer goods than digitally printed information which can scratch off. It is also cheaper, and you can use it to display other useful information about the product.
For example, vinyl stickers can be efficient if you supply musical instruments, carpets, or drinking water. You can simply brand them with our stickers. It is affordable and also an excellent way to decorate them.

Promotional Purposes

Vinyl stickers are great for promotional purposes. You do not have to stick them yourself; you can distribute them to participants at an event for them to stick somewhere. Where someone chooses to affix theirs, someone will see it and probably get interested.

We can help you stick vinyl stickers at your car's rear window, which can be a great way to promote your business name.

Lettering for Your Storefront

Foam Core Print vinyl stickers are very attractive. Using colored vinyl letters at your storefront to name your business might be the best branding. The name of your business and the services you offer are generous; we challenge you to use vinyl lettering. It is an incredible way to attract clients.

You will also find it easier to use our vinyl lettering than painting because vinyl lettering is affordable and fast. It is also easy to customize and use with any type of letter design.

Mobile Advertising

Vinyl stickers can be efficient in mobile advertising. They are attractive, unique, and very informative. You can use vinyl stickers for mobile advertising by affixing the stickers to a fleet of vehicles. The stickers can display different information about the brand that you want to promote. For example, bumper stickers or vehicle lettering are great ways of mobile advertising.

What Are the Benefits of Vinyl Stickers?

Vinyl stickers have several advantages over other common forms of advertising. Let's look at some of the benefits:


Our vinyl graphics come in many sizes and shapes. You can display almost anything graphics using them. Why? Because vinyl graphics allow you to make business logos or lettering of your preferred custom sizes.

Environmentally Friendly

Some typical paints release harmful chemicals into the environment. Form Core Print vinyl graphics provide an opportunity to create a safe living environment since they do not emit such chemicals. Even the UV ink used in printing some vinyl stickers is environmentally friendly. To avoid contaminating the environment, vinyl lettering is the best option.

Accurate and Durable

Vinyl advertising has a low margin for error. It is perfect since when doing lettering, you use a design tool. FoamCorePrint vinyl letters are the same in design and size, unlike freehand painting, where an artist may make slight errors.
Vinyl material is also durable, so our vinyl stickers have a long lifespan and are easy to replace.

Efficient Application

Vinyl stickers are easy and fast to install. Unlike typical painting, when you use vinyl lettering, you will not have to wait for the paint to dry.

Also, our stickers do not require an expert; you can stick them up by yourself by following the outlined procedure.

Why spend the extra money to hire a specialist? Use it to invest in your business or treat yourself to dinner. (Winking)

Choose the Right Decal or Vinyl Stickers

Vinyl stickers and decals can be an inexpensive way to promote your brand. Foam Core Print vinyl signs are cheap, versatile, and attractive. Whether yours is a small or large business, you will still find an incredible way to use vinyl graphics to promote your business. Get started today by choosing our state-of-the-art decal and vinyl stickers.