PhotoModeler Targets | High Accuracy Calibration Target Boards
Calibration Target Printing

PhotoModeler Targets

599 Reviews

The PhotoModeler target pattern requires custom files that clients must provide, as these are not included in our pattern generator. If you have a custom PhotoModeler pattern in vector format, please enter the finished size of your target in inches using decimals (up to three decimal places). Then, click "Get Started" to upload your artwork and view your digital proof. Please note that the proofs do not represent the final print quality. Read More

  • 12mm Polyurethane (Natural Matte)
  • 2mm Polyurethane (Natural Matte)
  • 3mm ACM
  • 3mm Acrylic - Front Surface Printing
  • 3mm Polyurethane (Natural Matte)
  • 6mm ACM
  • 6mm Polyurethane (Natural Matte)
  • 1/2" All Corners $3.00
  • 1/4" All Corners $3.00
  • 3/8" All Corners $3.00
  • Special $56.44
  • Ultra Matte $96.75


Create & Print Coded Targets For Use In PhotoModeler Projects

This Video Demonstrates how to print Coded Targets from within PhotoModeler, and other options for creating and using Coded Targets.

PhotoModeler Targets

Are you looking to pre-calibrate your camera with a calibration target to be as accurate as possible? Our PhotoModeler camera targets are printed directly onto a rigid on premium 1/8 inch Dibond, making them the perfect calibration boards to calibrate cameras.

Direct to substrate printing at 1000 dpi with anti-reflective surface "flood white" authentic matte finish allows for easy detection in your computer vision pipeline because of its optical performance and physical robustness.

dibond panel

Dibond Features

Dibond signage has forever been an industry standard for indoor and outdoor business signs. The material is water, weather, warp resistant and rust proof. It's ultra flat and rigid structure makes Dibond the perfect material for calibration targets.

  • Light weight
  • Ultra flat surface
  • Anti-reflective surface (flood white finish) pitch black on pure white
  • Rigid and sturdy
  • Water, weather & rust proof

Technical Specifications

  • Material Thickness: .125"
  • Panel Type: Aluminium Composite Panel
  • Temperature Range: from -50°C to +80°C
  • Fire Classification: CLASS P/0/1
  • Physical Weight: 0.78125 lbs per ft.²

Helpful Ordering Tips

  1. Order the exact sizes that match your file's artboards; use the keyboard to add decimals if needed.
  2. Upload your own custom files, vector PDF files are preferred for optimal print results.
  3. Full-scale files are required to avoid the files being scaled up or down to fit the image on the board's order size.
  4. During the proofing process, always double-check and compare the file size to each board order size ( is not responsible for artwork scaling if the incorrect board sizes are ordered and proofs are approved incorrectly).
  5. If you have questions about the artwork uploaded to an order; please call, email, or start a live chat before sending the art files to print. Production will begin within 10 mins of approval of artwork. Once production begins, we can not remove approved art files from the production line.

What Is PhotoModeler?

PhotoModeler is software that helps to extract models and measurements from photographs taken using an ordinary camera. It is a powerful photogrammetry software that enables you to use your camera to model and measure the real world.

It offers a cost-effective method of accurate 2D and 3D photo digitizing, 3D scanning, surveying, and reality capture.

PhotoModeler pattern

How PhotoModeler Works

Photomodeler works using the following steps:

  • Take photos from various angles
  • Load your images into the PhotoModeler software
  • Choose your method between:

Manual initial marking where you match common features between photos.

Coded target detection automatically marks coded targets. The models solve quickly and automatically.

You can also use the smartmatch/DSM, which generates dense point clouds from overlapping images.

Additionally, the smartmatch/ DSM-aerial generates dense point clouds and surfaces from overlapping aerial photos.

  • Review the images, measure, and export

PhotoModeler Premium

PhotoModeler also has a premium version that comes with tools to help you create high-quality and accurate 3D models and measurements from photographs. The process is referred to as photo-based 3D scanning.

PhotoModeler premium is a 3D scanner that offers results like that of a 3D laser scanner. The 3D scanning process offers a dense point cloud (Dense Surface Modelling, DSM) from photographs of any size with textured surfaces.

It is also ideal for various drone and UAV projects.

Applications of Photogrammetry and Photomodele

You can use PhotoModeler or photogrammetry photography in various applications, including engineering/surveying, forensics, manufacturing, and marine fabrication.

Custom targets and fittings and remodeling require measurements and drawing of a remote location or client site. Instead of using an expensive device for measurements, photogrammetry allows you to use an ordinary camera.

There are several photogrammetry applications in retrofit work, including boat templating, measuring staircases, and kitchen refit

3D Scanning and Models

You can use PhotoModeler for your 3D modeling, diagramming, 3D scanning, etc. It uses photogrammetry technology to achieve professional results. It is affordable, and you can use it to complete projects that may be a challenge using other methods.

Reviews for PhotoModeler Targets

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Frequently asked Questions


What is grid calibration?

Grid camera calibration is the process of aligning a grid with an image in order to determine the distance and angle of each pixel. This information can be used to calibrate cameras for remote sensing or computer vision applications by making them more accurate.

What is camera calibration report?

Camera calibration reports are documents that give information about how well a camera is calibrated. This document tells the photographer what settings to use for different lighting conditions, and it also tells them if their camera needs any adjustments.

How do I calibrate my camera?

A camera needs to be calibrated in order for the pictures it takes to look accurate. To calibrate your camera, you will need a calibration pattern. A calibration pattern is a set of gray scale patches that have been created using the same steps and materials as are used in manufacturing printed circuit boards. The patches should include black, white and shades of gray from lightest (almost white) to darkest (almost black). You can use any substrate material including paper or plastic sheets but aluminum foil has traditionally been used for the patches.

How often should you calibrate your lens?

According to our recommendations, once a lens/camera combo has been calibrated, it should be calibrated every 6-12 months, depending on how often you use your camera. Camera and lens components degrade over time, and if the camera or lens is used frequently, calibrating it more frequently can be beneficial.

How much does a photomodeler calibration target cost?

For the cost of calibration target and to order your copy, visit


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